Larimer Community Health Survey 2022 banner


I got a letter from the Health District in the mail about the 2022 Community Health Survey. What do I do now?

Congratulations! Your household was chosen at random using scientific sampling. Only a few thousand households in Larimer County were picked to participate in our 2022 Community Health Survey. To complete the survey:

  1. Go to the Home page
  2. Click “Please click this link and enter your passcode to continue to the survey”
  3. This will take you to a new webpage where you’ll be asked to enter the passcode from your letter or postcard to begin the survey

If you need assistance, such as you no longer have your passcode or you prefer to take the survey on a paper form, please call the Health District at 970-224-5209.


Why do I need a passcode?

We use the passcode to ensure thatonly people selected for the scientific sample will take the survey. The sample includes a variety of people in a variety of places throughout Larimer county.


Who sees my answers?

Your answers are confidential and are kept securely and safely. Only the Research and Evaluation team at the Health District will see them. Please do not identify yourself by name in the survey, but if you accidentally do, we will remove it. We keep no personal information (including addresses) on the people who take the survey.


How much time will the survey take?

The survey takes about 25 minutes to complete.


Who is in charge of the survey?

The Health District of Northern Larimer County. We work closely with Colorado State University to design survey methods. The Health District received financial support for this survey from the Larimer County Department of Health and Environment, the Northern Colorado Health Alliance, and the City of Loveland.


I was not asked to complete a survey. How else can I share my thoughts and ideas about health in our community?

We’re glad you asked! The Health District will be hosting Community Discussion Groups later in 2022. Community Discussion Groups are public forums that allow you to share your hopes and concerns about local health-care issues. Dates have not been selected at this time.


When can I see the results of the survey?

Results of the 2022 survey will be available Fall/Winter 2022, but you can stay updated by checking the Health District website or by contacting Sue Hewitt at


If you have any questions or need assistance with the online survey, call our survey help line at 970-224-5209 or email
